Our Services Overview
Project Sister Family Services offers a comprehensive range of programs and support services to individuals affected by sexual assault and child abuse. From a 24-hour hotline to counseling, prevention education, and community outreach, our initiatives are designed to empower survivors and protect vulnerable individuals.
Crisis Intervention
Hotline volunteers provide information about reporting an assault and give referrals to other available services in the community. Volunteer Advocates are available to provide support and follow up services to sexual assault or abused survivors at the hospital, police station and court appearances.
Therapists provide professional counseling to survivors of sexual assault and/or child abuse. Non offending family members may be eligible for some services. The support of peers can play an important role in the healing process, so specialized support groups for adults and adolescents are offered. Groups are also available for non-offending family members of sexual assault survivors. A walk in clinic is available for survivors with immediate need to speak to a therapist.
Education and prevention programs are designed to teach the community about the nature of sexual assault. We dispel common myths related to sexual assault and discuss realities such as self-protection and reporting all in an effort to help individuals reduce their risk of falling victim to sexual violence. Our outreach programs can be scheduled by request. Please contact us for more information.
24-Hour Hotlines
Available 7 Days a Week Rape Crisis Hotline 📞 (909) 626-HELP (4357) Child Abuse Hotline 📞 (626) 966-4155 Support is just a call away, anytime you need it.
Survivor Testimonials
In the hardest moments, my advocate was my lifeline. They gave me the space to heal on my own terms.
My advocate helped me find my voice again. They supported me without judgment and reminded me that I was not alone.
When I felt like I was lost in the dark, my advocate was a light. They helped me find strength I didn’t know I had.
Our Service Area

Project Sister Family Services provides comprehensive support to individuals and families across Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Our service region includes communities such as Pomona, Covina, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and many more. Whether you’re in Azusa, Chino Hills, or anywhere in between, we are here to help.
No matter where you are within these counties, you can count on us for crisis intervention, counseling, and prevention education services. Together, we’re building safer and more supportive communities.
As a service provider, PSFS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age sex (includes sexual harassment), pregnancy (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), marital status, sexual orientation (heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality), medical condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), or disability (medical and physical, including HIV and AIDS), political affiliation/opinion, military and veteran status.
Como proveedor de servicios PSFS no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión, ascendencia, origen nacional, sexo edad (incluye acoso sexual), embarazo (incluyendo el embarazo, el parto o condiciones médicas relacionadas), estado civil, orientación sexual ( heterosexualidad, la homosexualidad y la bisexualidad), estado de salud (cáncer y las características genéticas), o discapacidad (física y médica, incluyendo el VIH y el SIDA), la afiliación política / opinión, condición militar y veteranos.